Quill: scripting an idea

Circadian in 2016 The Quill service allows Enterprises to recognise its own customers and weed out imposters. It seems like quite the leap from our fintech origins, so how did it come about? A review of the big steps of 2016. Ideation The concept slowly came into being as two separate work-streams merged. As keen […]

Decimation (and then a nice afternoon off)

So just how well does your service provider look after you(r password and your cybersecurity)? This time, a proportional view. (tl;dr: only one of those slices is good for you.) Sure, you don’t care, you only used that password once (the others won’t, but I believe you) and there’s nothing really private about you on […]

The Price of Trust

In an earlier post we talked about the level of password protection layered onto your personal data by the service providers (tl;dr: not enough). In this post we’re going to look at how much it hurts those same providers when your data eventually does go missing. Quality Research The Ponemon Institute, now sponsored by IBM […]

Data Swag: can we trust the good guys?

We will look into the value of data in a later post, but for now let’s just assume that bad guys want to get hold of the personal data you have entrusted with a service provider. We repeatedly hear about data breaches because the natural end-point of your personal data is on the dark web […]

Unmasking Masks

You can’t go long in the hacking world until coming across masking. Masking, much like dictionary attacks, makes the infeasible entirely possible. Once again, the clever alignment of computing power with already-known patterns of user behaviour has the power to create a very serious headache for the corporate whose data has just gone awol. A […]